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North Oxfordshire Scouts

District AGM

12th July 2023

Janet and Colin (District Commissioner and Chair respectively) are delighted to invite you to attend the Annual General Meeting of North Oxfordshire District Scout Council which is taking place on Wednesday 12th July. Coffee and Tea (and hopefully some nice home-made cakes) will be available from 19:30 and we will start the formal part of the meeting promptly at 20:00.

If you wish to become a member of the District Trustee Board or would like to suggest somebody, we would be pleased to receive nominations by Monday 10th July. We will be electing a Treasurer, Secretary and five further members of the Trustee Board at the AGM.

Becoming a Queen’s Scout is the pinnacle of achievement for a young person in Scouts. We are delighted to have Katie Blundell and Ellie Rollinson joining us to tell us about becoming Queen’s Scouts and what it means to them and their Scouting.

We are holding the meeting at

Sandford St Martin Parish Hall,

Ledwell Road,

Sandford St Martin,



We hope to see you there to celebrate another great year of Scouting in the North Oxfordshire District

Yours in Scouting,

Janet Duxbury & Colin Davidson

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