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North Oxfordshire Scouts

Groups Scout Leader and Chair meeting

4th September 2023

Janet Duxbury and I are pleased to invite you join us on September 4th for a joint meeting of Chairs and GSLs from across the district. The idea of the meeting is to give us the chance to share what’s going well and to consider common challenges. We are hoping that Rob Spence, the County Transformation Lead will be able to join us to give an update on the transformation plans across the County. We will also set aside time to discuss the change from Executives to Trustee Boards for those that would find it useful.

As you will gather, we have a loose plan for the evening, but will have flexibility to ensure we have time to discuss what’s important to you. If there are any particular areas or subjects that you would like covered, please let me know.

Can you respond to let me know whether you will be joining us? We need to know how much cake to make!

Meeting details
Sandford St Martin Parish Hall

Ledwell Road
Sandford St Martin

Monday 4th September



Hope you can join us

Colin Davidson (He/Him)

Chair - North Oxfordshire District Trustee Board

M 07703 963971

W oxonscouting.org.uk

F Oxfordshire Scouts | T @OxonScouts | I @OxonScouts

We prepare young people with skills for life

Janet Duxbury

District Commissioner - North Oxfordshire

W northoxfordshirescouts.org.uk

F North Oxfordshire Scouts

We prepare young people with skills for life

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