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North Oxfordshire Scouts

County Awards Day

9th May 2015

County Awards Day - 9th May 2015

The County Awards Day will be held on 9th May 2015 at Youlbury Scout Activity Centre. This day of celebration will be open to all young people and adults who have gained top awards (e.g. Chief Scout's Award, DofE etc.) since April 2014 and who have not already attended a County celebration event. Award recipients will also be invited to bring their families.

In order to send out invitations we need all leaders to confirm which of their young people have gained top awards; there are three simple ways to do this:

1) Fill in this quick google form:https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1Es4_WmQVOhufS2N2UXwHbtRfb5hALykKS3a-r_fbqEI/viewform

2) Send us a completed copy of the attached spreadsheet.

3) Send us an e-mail (oxoncountyawards@gmail.com)

The deadline for notifying us of award recipients is 31st March 2015.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the team.


County Awards Day Team 2015

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