Applying for District Loan or Grant
Application for loans or grants The District Executive Committee on behalf of North Oxfordshire District Scout Council is able to consider applications for grants or loans. Each application will be considered by the DEC at its next quarterly meeting so applicants should allow up to 4 months before expecting news on the outcome of the application. Grants are the advance of sums of money for particular project that the District does not expected to be repaid. Loans are the advance of a sum of money for a particular project that it is intended to repay to the District within the agreed terms. Although applicants can express a preference for a grant or loan, the DEC will decide which is more appropriate based upon the application. All applications must aim to promote Scouting in the area and be in accordance with the policies of the Scout Association. Applications are made using the form on page 2. All application forms must be accompanied by documentation showing details of costs of the project, funds requests, additional funds being used and be supported with a copy of the lastest set of accounts from the organisation (Group or Unit)