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North Oxfordshire Scouts

3rd Bicester (Glory Farm) Scout Group

Welcome to the 3rd Bicester (Glory Farm) Scout Group page!

We are an "Open" Scout Group, which means we are not tied to any sponsor and welcome both boys and girls from all areas of Bicester. Our aim is to provide a balanced programme of activities in a welcoming environment.

We offer opportunities for everyday adventures to Beaver Scouts (aged 6 to 8), Cub Scouts (aged 8 to 10½) and, from Easter 2014, Scouts (aged 10½ to 14). We are a growing group and our Beaver and Cub sections are fully subscribed so reserving a place on our waiting list is encouraged to avoid disappointment.

To find out more you are welcome to contact our Group Scout Leader using the e-mail address below or check out our individual section pages from the "Groups" menu above.


Latest news

Outdoor Climbing Equipment
13th April 2023

District Swimming Gala
11th February 2023

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