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North Oxfordshire Scouts

District Transformation Evening

13th November 2023, 19:00 - 21:00

We are pleased to invite you join us on for a District Transformation Evening on Monday November 13th between 19:00-21:00

You may be aware that Scouting is transforming and there are lots of exciting changes coming, which will hopefully make your volunteering easier and even more enjoyable. However you may not be aware quite what those changes are, or what they will mean to you and your Scouting colleagues.

The District Transformation Evening is a chance to find out what’s happening and why. We’ll have Rob Spence, the County Transformation Lead, with us to take us through the changes and to answer your questions. There will also be time for you to network with other Scouting colleagues.

We hope that you can join us, but please respond to confirm either way so that we can ensure that the venue is big enough to cope with the numbers. Thank you.

Venue details:

Sandford St Martin Parish Hall

Ledwell Road
Sandford St Martin


Colin Davidson (He/Him)

Chair - North Oxfordshire District Trustee Board

M 07703 963971

W oxonscouting.org.uk

F Oxfordshire Scouts | T @OxonScouts | I @OxonScouts

We prepare young people with skills for life

Janet Duxbury

District Commissioner - North Oxfordshire

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We prepare young people with skills for l

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